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EPI : Clémence M/ Chloé / Mathieu / Mehdi  The whale found stranded with a torpedo in the Stomach ! INFORMATIONS  : ·          The whale found was a Humpback whale. ·          It do length of 40 ft. ·          It weighs 37 tons ·          It is a femmel. ·          It was separed of his group during a migration trip. ·          It has 35 years old. We were able to have this information thanks to the participation of the association WDC (Whale and Dolphin Conservation)   The 30 May 2017, around of 13 hours, a whale is find dead for a few hours. The scientists having found that strange that an animal, as a whale, is been found stranded on a beach. After diferents analyses done on the whale, the scientists discovered that it was dead of poisoning. They opened the stomach of it … They found something they would never have thought of. A torpedo whole unprogrammed, witch had to be left at the bottom of the ocean. The whale hungry had to confuse it with a weaken
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The flying car    When did its development legin ? Who is its developer and its inventor ?   The development of the flying car legan 5 years ago under the name of "PROJET F" . The first concept was created by Xin Pang, a young Chinese student who came to France to study at Polytechnique.   Quickly, many firms were interested in his job. The business company finally bought the projet from the young student.   When will the flying car be sold in France ?   In a feur weeks, the flying car will be sold in France. In China and America are can already buy it.   What are the rules and the driving licence to drive it ?   To drive the flying car, are need an F.C . It costs €2500 at's partners.     What so the price for the flying car?   The price will be €450 000.

Apple wants to create a range of car

     The famous brand, know n for it's smartphone, the Iphone, wants to launch it's own model of electric and autonomous car. Its futuristic design allows him to be a very original car and that was also never be seen previously. This car was completely thought by Steve Jobs, himself. This project would be called «  Trump car  » , but we don't know if this name is in connection with the current president of the United-States. At the moment, we have no explication about this name. The company has invested 11 billion of dollars to develop his its project.  The design and the production:  The doors would be transparent and would protect of bullet holes and explosions. Apple would have built a new factory in the South of China to make their new product. Moreover ,  he would have set up a very precise GPS system and there is a Wi-Fi connexion inside . The drivers could communicate between each others thanks to the bluetooth. Th

El paìs de Almacontu

Almacontu es situa encima del anillo de Saturno. Su capìtal es Rainbow, porque hay un arco iris todos los dias en la capital. La lengua principale es el español. Este paìs conta 10 millones de ciudades y 1 millon de pueblos, y conta en total 998.573.212.369 habitantes. Todos son deportistos ; les gustan los juegos deportivos y saltar encima de los tejados de los casas y edificios, es su actividad favorito. La mayor parte de la poblacìon son musulmàn. Todos las tardes, los habitantes votan por el dima del dìa siguiente. Escuchan mùsica oriental, y envian los mensajes por aviòn de papelo. En los ciudades futuristas, Internet funciona por telepatia. La comida tradicional es el cuscùs, con brique, mandioca y ravitoto. El rey de Almacontu es Peter Hmidou. El rey es coji en la familia reina (de padre en hijo). Mapa de Almacontu Bandera de Almacontu

The new weapons of the North Korea

THE NEW WEAPONS OF THE NORTH KOREA This article was declassified by the C.I.A. The USA and the North Korea are at war. We have just learned that the North Korea was testing chimical weapons on people of their state. We also know that they're testing nuclear weapons in the japoneses seas. That's why Americans sent nuclears carriers in the South Korea. Nuclears carriers Washington Missile B112-6                                             As a new weapon , soldiers equipped of radioactive bombs. We were able to find some proof about the alliance of Daesh and the North Korea.Thanks of the finances we saw some money of korean state go in Daesh account. Every countries must be careful because the world war is close. enter the passcode and the USB pass: XXXX written by the agent: Chabouli Behzady Hachem Drouet

Wireless-defuser in the parisian underground

Wireless-defuser in the parisian underground On the 14th april 2016 a bomb has been founded in the metro by a young student at 8:47 am at the station Oberkampf in Paris. The police departement reported a a woman wearing a dark red hoodie who dropped at 8:44 am a sportbag in which there was a handmade bomb. A teenager who was going to school saw it and called the train compagny. The police and their dogs came, and then, it has been an important event in the world's History : they used for the first time a wireless-defuser. This invention has been created and thought by a very secret scientific governement departement who fight against terrorist attacks. So the police quickly defused the bomb, and in less than 45 min the incident was over without any victim.  They still are on the footsteps of the woman who dropped the bag and they solicit anyone who would know details about her or the incident. 

AOKIJI GAMES : when a famous Pokémon youtuber become hated because of his racism

Elia C., Nina C.--B., Amélie M., Aliocha B. On "L'éducation aux médias et aux nouveaux moyens de communication"  . Hello, viewers ! Today, we're going to introduce you some things about an english-japanese youtuber who made a scandal... Summary - Aokiji Games : the scandal   and his channel - The two subtitled  videos - Translation of his channel's description An important thing: these videos and the channel are dated from some days. Indeed, there has been a bug and, because of this, the channel (and the content) has been deleted. Some fans asked  YouTube  to return it and, with the help of few people, they returned the channel and its two videos. Aokiji Games and his channel I guess you don't know Aokiji Games , a famous gaming youtuber in Japan. He's english-japanese but lives in Japan. He was very appreciated by the YouTube  community. He made a lot of gaming videos on varied supports: PC , emulators, and few games consol